Wednesday, March 31, 2010

It's been a while!

Man, it's been a while since my last blog... and so so so so so so many things have changed!

It's been over a year now... and yes, life has been a bit crazy!

Here's an update.... its kinda long:

End of august 2009 we found out we had to move due to mold issues... and so we were given 24hrs to move out of our place, but thankfully we had friends who were more than willing to open up their home to us and let us stay there.

So as my husband and I moved in with our friends John & Vanessa... my husband went to a conference in Atlanta for a week. During one of these days that he was gone, I woke up so dizzy, the whole room was spinning. As soon as it stopped, i had to throw up.... I threw up so much I got dehydrated! Luckily Vanessa was there and she took me to the hospital. No people I was not pregnant... I had what the doctors called "VERTIGO" and they didn't know why it happened! It just did! Weird huh! After five hours at the hospital I was free!

A few days after being at John & Vanessa's I was at the church helping pack and clean, and while i took a break I logged on to facebook, to find some awkward posts on my sister's facebook... something about my dad....
My dad apparently had passed away sometime in mid August and I didn't find out until the end of august via facebook... sadly he had already been buried and all.
I had not seen him for years, i mean like 12 years, but that didn't mean I didn't want to see him. I loved my dad, and longed to see him again. Yes, he was not the best father, he made mistakes, but that didn't make me love him any less. I used to dream of the day I would see him again and think of what we'd talk about, I hoped he'd be proud of me and we'd just talk about life. But that wont happen, and it broke my heart to know that. Still to this day I cry when I think of it, but also hold on to the hope that he got know God, and that he may be with Jesus today. I also hold on to the hope that he knew even in his last days that he was loved by me.
That was some tough times.

October came around and we moved AGAIN!! but this time with John and Vanessa to a bigger place! An awesome place! =)
And with all the moving and rearranging stuff and all that I think we've gotten closer. I love when we watch movies as a family, have dinner as a family, and just hang out! I love it.
These 2 are amazing!

During the time of August to November.... I gained 20 pounds... yes people I said 20 pounds! I imagine it was because of all the moving, stress, and because I no longer worked out... and well... over all i didn't eat healthy at ALL!

But alas, I made a resolution to lose it all again, and so far I've lost 13 pounds since December!
So I've got 7 to go!
How did I lose these 13 pounds in 3 months????

Here it goes:
First: I joined a gym that was one mile from my house... and I would go every day WALKING!
that was my warm up and my cool down.

Second: I joined and put in my goals and stuff... and it gave me work outs to do at the gym and at home.

Third: I went back to college and signed up for a Pilates class and a running class... that's right I'm getting college credit for working out! So these 2 classes helped me made sure I worked out at least during these times! I recommend these classes!!! They're only $26.00 per class per semester! Better than a gym!

Lastly but most importantly: I have been watching my diet! I no longer eat whatever I want whenever I want! When we go out somewhere I watch what I eat!
No I don't count calories, I hate that.... but I'm aware of what's good and what's not.
But I'm also not a total Bore! I reward myself when I feel I deserve it. Like last night I had fro yo from Yogurtland (awesome place).
This was the hardest for me, because I looooooooooooooooove Bread!!!!!!! Like really really really love it! So ... that was the first thing to go... no bread at least for a while. Once I got used to not eating bread, I started putting it back in my diet in small amounts.
I limited myself to only 3 choices for breakfast and 3 for lunch... and dinner has always been whatever, but a careful whatever. And I cut coffee, instead I would drink water and tea! Yes, it made a difference!

Well, there's more, but I must go and prepare for a girls sleepover tonight.
Should be fun!
