Sunday, September 16, 2012


So, the last time I blogged was many months ago! Update on the weight: I lost what I needed to lose, and am keeping it off. I have put off joining the navy until after I get my BA! That way I can join as an officer. Anyway, that's the quick update on my life. Now for my. Thoughts: When did modesty go out of style? When did it jump out the window? Remember when ladies used to be ladies? Why is it old school to be a lady? As per a lady is a woman who is refined, Polite and well- spoken. Refined: free from coarseness, vulgarity,Impurities. When did this become uncool or not the norm? I've tried to strive for that, to become a lady in a society, culture that does not seem to breed them. Have you ever seen a woman who is well dressed, modest, well spoken, no foul word comes out of her mouth, gentle and kind? There is not doubt in your mind she's a lady! And you may say, "only royalty acts like that now a day" I say: YOU ARE ROYALTY! Daughter of the King of everything! We represent HIM! When did we allow ourselves to be robbed of our identity? We are to walk, talk, act, be like princesses in a culture/ society that does not have them. We are to be different, to stand out! Not for bad reasons, but for good ones! Because we dare to change our language! Because we dare to be modest when others are not! Because we dare to use kind words! Because we dare to be humble and obedient! Everything we do should reflect who HE is!