Friday, January 28, 2011

Leaders who Inspire me (part 1) - MOM

So for my Business 150 class we had to write our final, which was about leadership, I chose to focus on leaders that were in my life. And in honor of these people who have impacted my life here is part of that midterm:

My mother was born in Chihuahua, Mexico. She was one of 11 children and as far as I know was always a good student and a good worker. She married my father at the age of 22 and had 3 girls. During her 11 year marriage to my father she encountered many trials, which molded her character. She worked full time just about every single day. She didn't drive, so she always took public transportation and walked a lot. As my parent's marriage was breaking off, she made a crucial decision to leave my father and move to Tijuana to tend to my grandfather's farm, animals, gardens, and us full time. I think those were one of the times we lacked in financial wealth, but were the most happy.

Soon after, we came to live in the United States where we had some family. I'm sure in the beginning, it was really hard for her to find a job, but she eventually became a housekeeper for several homes while we were in school. A few months later she enrolled in night school to learn English and computers. She would work morning, go to school at night and somewhere in her busy life she made time to be MOM! My mother has become bilingual, but continues to better herself by reading. She bettered herself to give us a chance to better ourselves.

Her examples as she has walked through life have impacted mine. I have learned to be hungry for knowledge and wisdom. Her leadership taught me to do my best. My favorite quote that she says and the one I will take with me forever is when you're worried about something, or something's going wrong, she says: "Can you do something about it? If so, then don't worry about it, just do it! If you cant, then don't worry about it!" She always has such a peace about her. I've learned through her life examples and famous quote, that if I can do something about what I want to change, I need to just do it!


  1. That's what she taught me too, not to worry about what you can't controll. She does have such a peace about her even when things really suck! I still don't know how she does it and I wonder if I'll ever have that!

  2. I definitely agree about her peacefulness. She's so wise, too. Her advice is usually some one-liner that makes the issue seem so simple. Listening to her is a stress reliever and makes you feel confident that you can overcome.

  3. I scrapbooked that picture on this post last year
