Friday, February 4, 2011

My love story

So, I was listening to K LOVE the other day, and they had this contest going on.
They wanted to hear your love story, wether it be with your spouse, with Jesus, with your family, etc.
So I began to think, I could write my love story! Why not!
Yeah.... in 250 words!!! THAT'S HARD!
but here's the attempt!:

My love story is one of patience and waiting on God.
My husband and I met at church the first time when I was 16.
We met again at my cousin's quinceanera practice,I was teaching, he was dancing. A few months later he told me he liked me, and I told him I would not date anyone until I was ready to get married. So he waited.

With time we became better friends, he started comingto youth/college group, and he fell in love with Jesus.He expressed his feelings again and I told him I wanted to court instead of "dating". At this point, I really liked him and was praying, God confirmed he was the one, but told me to wait to do it HIS way.

So we waited, read books, asked the married men & women in the church and learned what courting God's way was. We were ready, but I told him he had to do one more thingthat was important to me, he had to ask the senior pastors, youth pastors,spanish congregation pastors, close friends and my mom for their blessing to court me.
We waited as he did this and agreed on the rules of our future relationship. We wanted to wait on the physical part in order to deepen our relationship with God and each other. 14 months later, we got married and shared our first kiss at the altar. He says I was worth the wait.

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