Saturday, April 9, 2011

Late Night Reading

Heb 1: 14 Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?

WOW! I mean WOW! I had truly never paid attention to this scripture!
This means that everyone who WILL INHERIT salvation... that's us..... has angels who serve us!

That's amazing. To know that a GOD so big, a GOD so amazing, so awesome made us, and with all our faults and all our craziness, he still sent angels to serve us! WOW! What honor!

I guess I never put thought into the fact that we have the authority over angels. That's pretty wild!!!

- And in saying that, I say it cautiously, we're human! How quickly can pride rise, knowing you are being served by an angel whenever you need it.
- It makes me want to be better, just knowing God's given me that much authority, that he trusts us with that! God, change me. Make me better to take on what you've ahead for me.
I know change, specially gaining wisdom doesn't happen overnight, it takes time, and it takes reading, learning and being in the WORD; something that is not easy sometimes with all the craziness of life.

I would encourage anyone reading, just know that GOD loves you, trusts you, believes in you more than you ever have. He's given you so much authority over so many things. Take the initiative and learn who GOD is, the one who loves you, wants you to know HIS heart.

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