Friday, May 27, 2011

Rollercoaster of Emotions

So, I dont really read the news because it's mostly bad news. So when I do have a newspaper in front of me, I'm reading the comics!

Well, I was waiting for my husband to get off work and as I'm waiting I decided to check out what's new in the world around me. So I turn to my phone to give me the local news.

I read a story about a thirty something year old man who was so drunk, he had been driving while under the influence and in his drunkeness he ran an older (72 yr old) man over, and kept driving. He pulled up to a gas station where he asked the clerk to call him a tow truck and the clerk refused to help as he saw this man was drunk and may be dangerous..,. not to mention the blood stained shirt. Thankfully a cop happened to be driving by and saw part of the old man's body, which led him to the gas station where he arrested the drunk driver.

Now... My first reaction to this: ANGRY

How in the WORLD do people think it's ok to drink and drive!?? The old man was probably someone's dad, brother, husband, neighbor, uncle... etc! I was so angry at this drunk driver for being selfish!

And then I was : DISGUSTED

I was disgusted at the act itself.... murder? yes, it was murder! Did he mean to? He probably didnt plan it, but he DID get into a car knowing he was not ok to drive! Disgusted at Drunkeness!! Disgusted at how alcohol can take over a person's life. Disgusted at how many people have died because they were driving drunk, or were hit by drunk drivers!

And then I was: IN AWE

I mean WOW GOD!!! How freakin' amazing is our GOD!? He loves us so much that he died EVEN for the people like that! I mean WOW... I dunno if I could do that love someone that much! I was so humbled by how amazingly great HIS love for mankind is. "How could you love this man?" "How could you die for us, knowing some of us would do this kind of senseless stuff!???" * at that time I thought a bit more colorful *
"God you are so amazing, I cannot even begin to comprehend your love for us!"

And then: I REPENTED

I repented for being so worked up and angry... In the end... God loves this man.
I asked God to change my heart and help me love even people who I dont understand, people who get drunk

And finally I was: SAD/ COMPASSIONATE

I got so sad!!! Oh my goodness!!! What compelled this thirty something year old man to drink?? What was so horrible that he had to drown with alcohol. Why did he have to numb his mind and body? What was it? My heart grew with compassion for a man I've never met, but barely even found out even existed. This man must have problems he thinks he can't handle, and can only be drowned by the alcohol.
WOW... God works QUICKLY!!!
God started to show me that even this man has a heart, even this man is a CHILD in God's eyes!
This thirty something year old man, might be someone's dad, brother, son, etc.... he is important in someone's eyes... and he didnt know it!!!
HOW sad!!!
So I just cried... I cried at how amazing God is... and how sad this whole situation was.

And this was my rollercoaster of emotions that led me this post... just to say.... WOW... HOW AMAZING IS OUR GOD!

1 comment:

  1. Wow indeed, Eva. I think sometimes we try to distance ourselves from realizing God's grace is for everyone. Everyone. Thanks for sharing how God worked in your heart today.
