Tuesday, December 31, 2013


The new year is literally just a few hours away. I never really make resolutions, I think they suck. However.... This year, I'm looking back and relaxing, I can and should change several things. So, for the fist time in years I have resolutions: 1) be committed to my devotional time with God. Put God first again! 2) be committed to intentionally loving my husband. Do things on purpose to show that I love him. 3) be more open to relationships. Make time for people and listen. Be part of their world 4) be committed to myself. My body needs to work out and to run. Just do it! My mind needs to learn, read and explore. 5) laugh more, I know I consciously stop myself from laughing sometimes because I don't like my smile or because I don't wanna seem dumb .... But this year I'm gonna laugh when I find something funny! It's a terrible thing to hide a laugh, a real, big belly laugh! 6) I want to plan and travel. I want to go places, near and far, meet people, learn about different places, take pictures and enjoy the world. So far.... That is all I got. But it's a long enough list! Fresh start in just a few hrs!

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