Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Best things in the world

Some of the best things in the world require patience and hard work!

Yes, seems pretty straighforward and obvious doesnt it?
But how many times do we try to rush through life? Rush through work, a project, school, a friendship, relationship, a ministry?????

This thought came to me yesterday after some events happened, and I realized that the best things require a LOT of hard work.... and A WHOLE LOT OF PATIENCE.

I thought of a fruit at first, like an apple... it doesnt just suddenly appear on a tree, you need to prepare the land, the soil, the fertilizer, the seed, and then.... water it often, check it.... and THEN!!!!!!!!! YOU WAIT!
It goes through seasons, some good, some rough, but in the end, you get that fruit..... and the best part of it... is that to get to it.... you have to "go out on a limb"..... =)

Then I thought..... God is so awesome.... He requires the same, patience and hard work when we're in any type of ministry.... seriously!
I mean, i think my patience has increased A WHOLE LOT these last couple months! And I've learned to work harder and harder for the ministries that I love... in the end, we sometimes dont see the results of all the hard work and patience until later in life. Yes, i'm talking about youth. We're molding and shaping and imparting the Word of God into them, loving on them and correcting them, but all because we love them, but God knows they test your patience and your grace! LOL... but you gotta love them!... and in the end we'll see the fruit of our labor.

Then I thought... LOVE.... boy oh boy, LOVE takes patience and hard work. Not just boyfriend/girlfriend... or husband/wife relationships, this applies to friendships as well.
As for Love, I'm not saying my relationship with my husband is perfect, because its not, but because we love each other and have made a vow to love each other regardless, we vowed to work things out whenever they happen and sometimes, we need patience to understand each other and we do.

When one is in a relationship, sometimes we touch "sore spots" that hurt the other person, but in that we need to have the patience to work it out. The patience to understand the other person. And we need to be willing to work hard at overcoming those "incidents" that in the end strengthen the relationship.

A quality relationship has its ups and downs. A quality ministry has its ups and downs.... and has its things we need to overcome... and we need to be willing to be Humble, put our heads down and work hard at making it happen.

Patience & Hard work!
- Tough qualities to learn, Great qualities to have

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Become a Prov 31 Woman

What can I say... none of us is perfect!
But we can try to be better.

There has always been a passion in me to be a good wife... and to see other women be good wives.

So I was thinking about the young women.... you know, there is so much talk about the "boyfriend material" "girlfriend material"..... but you know, how bout being WIFE material... or HUSBAND material.... what about THAT?????????

I think its important that as we're growing up and learning, we think of the future, not just about the right now. When we have a kingdom mindset that is for ETERNITY, the Now is kinda... just that... now... and we strive for improvement and so much more.

So, my question is.... what IS WIFE MATERIAL?????

SO, I went to the only place I know I can always find the right answers .... The Internet!!! .... LOL., just kidding, I went to the Bible!!!!

It says in Prov 31:10

Epilogue: The Wife of Noble Character
10.A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies.
- Notice it doesn't say a "girlfriend"... we're thinking long term here!

11. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value.
- She is trustworthy!

12.She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life.
- THIS one is always a shocker to me, cause it made me realize, we do our husband good and not evil ALL the days of our lives! Meaning even before we get married, we do what is best for them! Like not tempting them to sin, like encouraging them to get closer to GOD... etc.... EVEN before we meet them, before we know whoh they are, we keep ourselves.... we don't wanna give our husband "second best" we give them THE best!!! We don't wanna give our husbands "what's left of our hearts" we wanna give them our WHOLE hearts, not just what's left!
So we need to guard our hearts so that by the time we get married, our hearts are whole and intact.

13. She selects wool and flax and works with eager hands.
14. She is like the merchant ships, bringing her food from afar.
15. She gets up while it is still dark; she provides food for her family and portions for her servant girls. 16. She considers a field and buys it; out of her earnings she plants a vineyard. 17. She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks. 18. She sees that her trading is profitable, and her lamp does not go out at night.
- Wow... she is Hardcore! She works and works and works... but always for the benefit of everyone else... she seems to put her family AND maidservants first..... she cares! She's a caring, hardworking woman!

19. In her hand she holds the distaff and grasps the spindle with her fingers. 20. She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy.
- She is Generous!!!!

21. When it snows, she has no fear for her household; for all of them are clothed in scarlet.
- She doesn't worry because she's prepared! (this is in the physical and in the spiritual... she's prepared!)

22. She makes coverings for her bed; she is clothed in fine linen and purple. 23. Her husband is respected at the city gate, where he takes his seat among the elders of the land.
- Her husband is respected, meaning she doesn't shame him. There is a respect and honor that comes from having a good wife. We bless our husbands by honoring them.

24. She makes linen garments and sells them, and supplies the merchants with sashes.
-She is smart!! She has business skills, she is thinking about their future and is preparing for it!

25. She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. 26. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. 27. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.
-WOW.... she is a mighty woman! Not only can she LAUGH at the days to come... she enjoys herself.... She also watches what comes out of her mouth and LEADS BY EXAMPLE! She watches that she doesn't' gossip or waste her time with mindless talking!
-What is DIGNITY???.... "bearing, conduct, or speech indicative of SELF-RESPECT"..... So many young people now a days, lack self respect! but by the grace of God we can all be clothed in dignity!

28. Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: 29. "Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all."
- How awesome, that her children bless her, and her husband praises her! So much so, that she "surpasses them all"

30. Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
- All I gotta say... is AMEN!

31. Give her the reward she has earned, and let her own works bring her praise at the city gate.
- WOULD YOUR WAYS AND YOUR WORKS bring you praise or shame???
Think about it!

You can be this woman... one is called blessed, one who honors her husband even before she meets him! One who plans for the future and is not stuck on the now... One who prepares in the Spirit!
The man who marries such a woman is blessed!

Girls, don't settle for less..... you can be MORE! You can be a virtuous wife!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My date night!

Chris and I haven't really had the time or money to go on a date in forever... ok, maybe like in like a month ... maybe 2!

Well, so we finally were able to go last night, had awesome dinner, which i didnt finish cause it was too much!
But hey It was really good! If you haven't tried it already... try Sardina's Italian Restaurant in Morena Blvd. Its family owned and its a good vibe.
So, our waiter was nice and it was so chill back it was great.
OOOhhhh.... I had tiramisu for dessert! Awesome!

Afterwards we took a nice walk and drove over to Edwards Cinema in Mira Mesa... that's an awesome movie theatre!
And with the tickets we got from the San Diego Blood Bank through donating.... we were able to watch Star Trek in Imax for just $10 for the both of us!!!!

So we get our tickets and they tell us there's a line.. we follow the line to the end... and I mean... WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was soooo long!
it was kinda hard to find seats but boy was it worth it!
We actually got seats right away because Chris is soo good with people and with words, he scooted people over to make room for us! =)

So yeah
It was awesome... my favorite character was Spock... maybe because he's Sylar on Heroes.. but i think he did an awesome job! Thumbs up for Zachary Quinto!!!

Not to say the rest of the cast wasnt great cause they were! I'm so glad there weren't big name actors too, it was just awesome....The action is great, and the chemistry between all the cast was awesome... and boy oh boy that comic relief from the characters was priceless....

Seriously, this movie was very well made!!! I give them alllllll thumbs up!
And I'm not even a Star Trek fan!

If you have not seen it, I suggest you do! Specially in Imax if you can!
It's definetly worth it!!!!

FYI its playing at Edwards Cinemas in Imax for 10 more days!!! So hurry!!!!!!!


Over all.... and AWESOME DATE!!!! (thanks to the hubby!!!)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

It goes on

Life... you know. I've learned people worry a lot.
They worry about the car they drive, granted its important to take care of said car, insurance and the works. (I know from experience)

They worry about their jobs during this economy, they worry about their homes, etc.

But you know.
Its times where everything seems unkown... like... you just have no idea what's gonna happen, that a light shines and you realize... no matter what happens in these situations... Life Goes On!

Yeah, life goes on.
It might not look the way you want it to look, or be what you want it to be, but it goes on. You wanna be CEO of a company but you got fired from it? Start from the beginning, maybe start your own company... the chances are infinate, you just gotta look to find them! =)

At this time of my life I'm in a..... I guess you could say Transition.... and a time of waiting. I'm waiting to see what the outcome of some things will be, which will in the end affect my life dramatically.

I'm not worried though.... I've learned that life goes on. God picks you up... and you just keep on walking.

So... no matter whats going on today... maybe you're waiting... maybe you're not in a very good situation... maybe you're just fed up with stuff....
Just remember that Life keeps going....

Here's a quote I love!
"A little more laughter
A little less worry
A little more kindness
A little less hurry"

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Holding on

Have you ever felt like life is dependent on what your boss says. Or on what house you live in next, or maybe its dependent on that next check you'll get, or on your job, or a sudden letter you've received.

Have you ever felt, like you're not in control?

Its during these times, when everything seems to be going wrong that I'm reminded of when I was younger.
I remember laying in my cousin's bed, telling my lil sis not to worry, that it'd all be ok. I remember waiting till she fell asleep to turn around, face the wall and cry myself quietly to sleep. I remember feeling vulnerable.

That's kinda how I've been feeling lately.
But, I know that's just a feeling.... I know better, Now I know better.
I know that regardless of what DOES happen in the end, that I'll be ok.
I have given my whole life to God, meaning He leads now. Meaning that I trust my everything to God, knowing He'll see me through it all.

And even if things don't go the way I want, or hope, God is still God.

I've learned that through out.
Life has been pretty good so far, I guess its time to feel like a child again.... its that vulnerability that makes us hold on tighter to the ones we love.

Monday, May 4, 2009

First Blog

I've been avoiding starting a blog, just because I didnt want to be like everyone else... but then again, what the heck, why not! lol

So here my thoughts for the day:

My dog's been... Intersting lately for lack of better words.
He has not been eating much of his dog food, and to be honest, he seems fine, I think he's trying to wait till we feed him human food.
He's getting real bad "hot spots" under his arms and by his legs.
I feel bad for the lil guy!


Well, Aside from my dog.... There are situations in life that we're facing.
And I'm not worried one bit! Except when I start talking with certain people and they start freaking out for me... I dont freak out, but they make me take a second look at my situations.
But to be truthful, i dont worry.

I've learned that if I have a situation, and I can fix it... then ok, I'll fix it, why worry.....
And if I Can't fix it.... then ok, Why worry, if I cant do it anyway!

So, here's the beginning of my random posts.

Eventually I'll have a "real" purpose for having this blog.... hmmmmm......