Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Best things in the world

Some of the best things in the world require patience and hard work!

Yes, seems pretty straighforward and obvious doesnt it?
But how many times do we try to rush through life? Rush through work, a project, school, a friendship, relationship, a ministry?????

This thought came to me yesterday after some events happened, and I realized that the best things require a LOT of hard work.... and A WHOLE LOT OF PATIENCE.

I thought of a fruit at first, like an apple... it doesnt just suddenly appear on a tree, you need to prepare the land, the soil, the fertilizer, the seed, and then.... water it often, check it.... and THEN!!!!!!!!! YOU WAIT!
It goes through seasons, some good, some rough, but in the end, you get that fruit..... and the best part of it... is that to get to it.... you have to "go out on a limb"..... =)

Then I thought..... God is so awesome.... He requires the same, patience and hard work when we're in any type of ministry.... seriously!
I mean, i think my patience has increased A WHOLE LOT these last couple months! And I've learned to work harder and harder for the ministries that I love... in the end, we sometimes dont see the results of all the hard work and patience until later in life. Yes, i'm talking about youth. We're molding and shaping and imparting the Word of God into them, loving on them and correcting them, but all because we love them, but God knows they test your patience and your grace! LOL... but you gotta love them!... and in the end we'll see the fruit of our labor.

Then I thought... LOVE.... boy oh boy, LOVE takes patience and hard work. Not just boyfriend/girlfriend... or husband/wife relationships, this applies to friendships as well.
As for Love, I'm not saying my relationship with my husband is perfect, because its not, but because we love each other and have made a vow to love each other regardless, we vowed to work things out whenever they happen and sometimes, we need patience to understand each other and we do.

When one is in a relationship, sometimes we touch "sore spots" that hurt the other person, but in that we need to have the patience to work it out. The patience to understand the other person. And we need to be willing to work hard at overcoming those "incidents" that in the end strengthen the relationship.

A quality relationship has its ups and downs. A quality ministry has its ups and downs.... and has its things we need to overcome... and we need to be willing to be Humble, put our heads down and work hard at making it happen.

Patience & Hard work!
- Tough qualities to learn, Great qualities to have

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