Thursday, May 7, 2009

It goes on

Life... you know. I've learned people worry a lot.
They worry about the car they drive, granted its important to take care of said car, insurance and the works. (I know from experience)

They worry about their jobs during this economy, they worry about their homes, etc.

But you know.
Its times where everything seems unkown... like... you just have no idea what's gonna happen, that a light shines and you realize... no matter what happens in these situations... Life Goes On!

Yeah, life goes on.
It might not look the way you want it to look, or be what you want it to be, but it goes on. You wanna be CEO of a company but you got fired from it? Start from the beginning, maybe start your own company... the chances are infinate, you just gotta look to find them! =)

At this time of my life I'm in a..... I guess you could say Transition.... and a time of waiting. I'm waiting to see what the outcome of some things will be, which will in the end affect my life dramatically.

I'm not worried though.... I've learned that life goes on. God picks you up... and you just keep on walking.

So... no matter whats going on today... maybe you're waiting... maybe you're not in a very good situation... maybe you're just fed up with stuff....
Just remember that Life keeps going....

Here's a quote I love!
"A little more laughter
A little less worry
A little more kindness
A little less hurry"


  1. This is good Eva!If you keep God exalted. Keep a praise on your lips,during these times of transition,sometimes the door to the next "place" could swing open to an interesting surprise.

  2. is that quote from a country song????? :)

  3. I have no idea where the quote is from, i have it in one of my calendars! =)
